Reformed Confessions
Canons of Dort
Third & Fourth Points | Article 15
The Corruption of Man, His Conversion to God, and the Manner in which it Occurs
Further study on the Canons of Dort
Lords Day 1
Lords Day 2
Lords Day 3
Lords Day 4
Lords Day 5
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 1
Lords Day 2
Lords Day 3
Lords Day 4
Lords Day 5
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Expanded Commentary Coming Soon
The Proper Attitude with Respect to God’s Undeserved Grace
This grace God owes to no one. For what could he owe to man? Who has given him first that he might be repaid? (1) What could God owe to one who has nothing of his own but sin and falsehood? He, therefore, who receives this grace owes and renders eternal thanks to God alone. He who does not receive this grace, however, either does not care at all for these spiritual things and is pleased with what he has, or in false security vainly boasts that he has what he does not have. (2) Further, about those who outwardly profess their faith and amend their lives we are to judge and speak in the most favourable way, (3) according to the example of the apostles, for the inner recesses of the heart are unknown to us. As for those who have not yet been called, we should pray for them to God, who calls into existence the things that do not exist. (4) But we must by no means act haughtily, (5) as if we had distinguished ourselves from them.
Rom 11:35.
Amos 6:1; Jer 7:4.
Rom 14:10.
Rom 4:17.
1 Cor 4:7.