Reformed Confessions
Canons of Dort
Fifth Point | Article 13
The Perseverance of the Saints
Further study on the Canons of Dort
Lords Day 1
Lords Day 2
Lords Day 3
Lords Day 4
Lords Day 5
Lords Day 6
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Lords Day 6
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Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
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Lords Day 6
Lords Day 6
Expanded Commentary Coming Soon
This Assurance Does Not Lead to Carelessness
Neither does this renewed confidence produce carelessness or neglect of godliness in those who have been restored after their fall; (1) rather, it produces in them a much greater concern to observe carefully the ways of the Lord, which he prepared beforehand. (2) They observe these ways in order that by walking in them they may retain the certainty of their perseverance. Then shall the face of their gracious God not turn away from them again (3) because of their abuse of his fatherly goodness, with the result that they would fall into still greater anguish of spirit. Indeed, to those who fear God the contemplation of his face is sweeter than life, but its withdrawal is more bitter than death. (4)
2 Cor 7:10.
Eph 2:10.
Ps 63:4; Is 64:7.
Jer 33:5.